Dindings Poultry Integration operates under the management of Malayan Flour Mills Bhd (MFM). We are among the industry leaders in Malaysian poultry operations. Our core operations of poultry integration incorporates modern technology in infrastructure, microbiological laboratories and bio-security measures. This includes health management monitoring to produce high-quality, healthy poultry products for our consumers.
Poultry Integration Process
From grains to food
From the grains our chickens consume, to the food that’s served on your dining table, our supply chain begins with sourcing and trading quality corn and soy-based raw materials for feed production. The journey continues with our farming and hatchery, up to a wide range of fresh poultry processing and further processed products. This entire process happens exclusively here in Malaysia.

Our poultry industries and farms comply with strict health protocols, certified HALAL by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), in compliance with standards established by the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (myGAP) of livestocks, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Food, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 and 22000:2005.

by Premier Grain Sdn Bhd
Premier Grain presents itself as a reliable procurement and trading arm to MFM Group in sourcing Corn and Soybean Meal which are the major ingredients for poultry feed.

by Dindings Poultry Development Centre Sdn Bhd
Dindings Poultry Development Centre Sdn Bhd – Feed milling to provide the High Quality and Consistent feed. In Feed Mill process, multiple ingredients + additives are milled, weighed, mixed together, cook and compounding. Our Feed Mills are in compliance with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).

by Dindings Poultry Development Centre Sdn Bhd
Dindings Poultry Development Centre Sdn Bhd boasts the finest breeding and production facilities, producing consistently optimum quality Day-Old Chicks and broilers for our consumers.

by Dindings Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd
We’ve been putting food on Malaysian plates since 1985. As a subsidiary of the MFM Group, we provide a diverse range of whole chicken, cut up parts, marination services and further processed products under the brand names of Ayam Dindings, Ayam Fiesta, Jimat Fiesta and DeliHous.